/ Underwater projects
Pictures are Copyrighted © A. Santalo
Beluga Concept team is currently working on underwater projects to offer the hospitality market breathtaking places.
Sea Star Hotel and Spa is designed to be placed in shallow water. The hight of the modules will be 2.2 m with an other 1 to 1.5 m of water on the top.
The perfect location for such projects is any Crystal Lagoon project or artificial lakes created for the purpose.
Maldives as well can be a good location in protected areas.
If you are interested to have more information about our underwater concept please contact us.

Envision having a drink in a giant aquarium with all kinds of beautiful fish swimming around you...
Imagine having an unforgettable honey moon under the water in Maldives ....

Sea Star Hotel view from the underwater lounge bar of the floating island.
Underwater lounge bar located on the floating island.